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Nyumad puts at your disposal more than 400 carriages and carriages (beams, chariots, royal carriages...) 500 mounts and harnesses (from any era) 100 horses (anywhere in Spain in 48 hours) facilities for training actors and rehearsals , transportation of livestock and carriages, specialized equipment (horsemen, ropers, horsemasters).

Leaders in the sector thanks to the continuous work of our specialists, our horses and our horsemasters (takedowns, free dressage races, show jumping, Cossack vaulting and any type of harness).

The horsemaster is essential, an expert tamer and rider who knows the shooting code perfectly, who directs the team of runners who coordinate with direction and production, ensuring the highest efficiency and safety on set.

Horses for actors , Nyumad has a cast of animals selected for their nobility, their experience supporting inexperienced riders with the advice of one of our teachers.

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